Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Programme requirements: German Language and Literature Print
Student na preddiplomskom studiju germanistike upisuje kolegije prema priloženoj tablici hodograma studija: 

1st semester lectures/classes
per week
Contemporary German Language I 4 (V) + 2 (S)
German Pronunciation Exercises I 1 (V) 1
Introduction to the Study of German Language 2 (P) 4
Introduction to the Study of German Literature 2 (P) 4
Elective course * 2 (S) 2

2nd semester lectures/classes
per week
Contemporary German Language II 4 (V) + 2 (S) 4
German Pronunciation Exercises II 1 (V) 1
Introduction to Linguistics 2 (P) 4
Fundamentals of Literary Interpretation 2 (P) 4
Elective course ** 2 (S) 2

3rd semester lectures/classes
per week
Contemporary German Language III 2 (V) + 2 (S) 3
Morphology of the Contemporary German Language 2 (P) 4
History of the 18th century German Literature 2 (P) 4
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2

4th semester lectures/classes
per week
Contemporary German Language IV 2 (V) + 2 (S) 3
Syntax of the Contemporary German Language 2 (P) 4
History of the 19th century German Literature 2 (P) 4
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2

5th semester lectures/classes
per week
Receptive and Productive Text Competence I 1 (V) + 3 (S) 3
Semantics of the Contemporary German Language 2 (P) 4
History of the 20th century German Literature I 2 (P) 4
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2

6th semester lectures/classes
per week
Receptive and Productive Text Competence II 1 (V) + 3 (S) 3
Phonetics and Phonology of the Contemporary German Language 2 (P) 4
History of the 20th century German Literature II 2 (P) 4
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2
Elective course *** 2 (S) 2

* Elective courses: Study Methods – Literature or German Language – the Present and the Past.
** Elective courses: Study Methods – Linguistics or Seminar in Literary Interpretation.
*** Elective courses: U studijskom razdoblju od 3. do 6. semestra student upisuje po dva izborna kolegija iz ponude Odsjeka za germanistiku u svakom semestru (ukupno najmanje 8 u razdoblju od 3. do 6. semestra). Student bira između književnih i/ili jezikoslovnih izbornih kolegija prema vlastitom težištu zanimanja. Od ukupnog broja od 8 upisanih izbornih kolegija od 3. do 6. semestra, na kraju preddiplomskog studija minimalno 2 moraju biti iz područja književnosti ili lingvistike. Izborni kolegij Pragmalingvistički seminar moguće je upisati tek u 6. semestru preddiplomskog studija budući da je uvjetovan odslušanim obveznim kolegijem Semantika suvremenoga njemačkoga jezika koji se izvodi u 5. semestru studija.