Informacijska služba

Povratak na početnu stranicu

 Obavezna literatura:

  1. The ALA Glosary of library and information science. / ed. by H. Young. Chicago :  American LibraryAssociation, 1983. 
  2. Fjallbrant, Nancy, Ian Malley. User education in li-braries.- 2. ed.- London: Clive Bingley, 1984. 
  3. Grogan, Denis. Practical reference work.- 2. ed.- London: Library Association Publishing, 1992. 
  4. Katz, William A. Introduction to reference work.- 6. izd.- Singapore: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992. Sv. 1. Basic information sources; Sv. 2. Reference services and reference processes.   (Library Science Series) 
  5. Public relations. // ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services.- Chicago: American Library Associa-tion, 1980., str. 459-463. 
  6. Sečić, Dora. Informacijska služba u knjižnici. Rijeka : Naklada Benja, 1995. (Drugo, dopunjeno izdanje je u pripremi)

Izborna literatura:

  1. Call, Karin. Auskunftsinterview und Auskunftsprotokoll.- Berlin, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle fuer das Bibliothekswesen, 1974. 
  2. Convey, John. Online information retrieval: an introduc-tory manual: principles and practice. 4rd ed. London: Library Association Publishing, 1992. 
  3. Davinson, Donald. Reference Service.- London: Clive Bing-ley, 1980. 
  4. Finer, Ruth. Reference and enquiry work. // Handbook of Special Librarianship and Information Work / Ed. by L. J. Anthony.-5. ed.- London: ASLIB, 1982., str.307-323. 
  5. Green Paper.  
  6. Information services for information consumers: guidelines for providers. // RQ 30(1990), 2, 262-265.

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